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Centros de Incentivo à Leitura
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries.
Rua Benedito Thieso, s/nº – Pq. Residencial Bambi
Tel. 2408-5402
Avenida Paschoal Thomeo, s/nº – Bonsucesso.
Tel. 2088-3508
Rua Alzimar Vargas Batista, 284 – Parque Continental II
Fone: (11) 2086-1002
Rua Alzimar Vargas Batista, 284 – Parque Continental II
Tel. 2086-1002
Tel. 2086-1002
Jardim Cumbica
Avenida Ataláia do Norte, 544 – Jd. Cumbica
Tel. 2412-2771
Rua Morada Nova, 208 – Jd. Ottawa
Tel. 2279-2705
Rua Dom Silvério, 628 – Vila Paraíso
Tel. 2456-2524
Parque São Miguel
Rua Joaquim Moreira, s/nº – Pq. São Miguel
Tel. 2421-2445
Estrada do Caminho Velho, 351 – PImentas
Tel. 2489-3500
Ponte Alta
Rua Pernambuco, 836 – Jd. Ponte Alta
Tel. 2436-6813
Presidente Dutra
Rua Maria de Paula Mota (antiga Rua 100), s/nº – Jardim Presidente Dutra
Tel. 2432-8930
Rosa de França
Rua Sergipe, s/nº – Jd. Rosa de França
Tel. 2304-7589
Vila São Rafael
Rua Lázaro Pereira, 330 – Itapegica
Tel. 2304-6012